THE NEXT PhiloBarCamp
coming soon 2019 // 10:30 am to 6 pm // Schillerpromenade 25 in Berlin
A BarCamp is an open conference. There is no program. Bring your own topic / questions / arguments / ... you want to discuss.
In the first 30 minutes, we will decide which topics we want to discuss, democratically. We can arrange up to 10 sessions for the day.
Every philosopher is welcome to present their work or just join to give feedback.
A session is 45 minutes and there is a 15 minutes break between each session.
One is only allowed to give two sessions in maximum.
There is no rule on how you present your topics – open discussion, reading group, giving a talk, whatever …
You might want to apply for our MeetUp group or our facebook group to stay updated.
Any questions or ideas? Please contact us. We are happy to hear from you.
„Für Philosophen, aber auch für ernsthaft Philosophie Interessierte sind diese Veranstaltungen wirklich bereichernd. Das offene Format ist eine Herausforderung für jeden Moderator, aber unter der Koordinierung von Dr. Kollenberg kommen freie und inspirierende Diskussionen zustande, die darüber hinaus anspruchsvoll bleiben. Ich freue mich auf weitere BarCamps!“